Gymnastics trampolines

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Acon X 17ft Trampoline 

Discover the world’s bounciest, sturdiest, most customizable trampoline ever built. 

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Where to buy a gymnastics trampoline?
While many manufacturers make trampoline models for gymnastics, Acon trampolines provide the world’s best bounce plus great safety features. The company’s use of Synergy Design ensures that the trampoline’s frame, mat, and springs are working together with every leap. You can find them at
What is the best trampoline for gymnastics?
The best trampoline for gymnastics is one that is safe and provides the necessary space for the performer to practice common routines. Gymnasts often prefer the rectangular trampolines from Acon, as their shape provides a “runway” in order to perform tricks.
What is a gymnastics trampoline?
Gymnastics trampolines are those which allow the gymnast space to safely perform their routines and a spring, or rebound, effect that is similar to those used in competition. Acon X-springs provide smooth consistent performance for gymnasts looking to practice on a trampoline.
How much is a gymnastics trampoline?
Gymnastics trampolines vary in price depending on the manufacturer. Acon trampolines for gymnasts, known for their smooth and consistent bounce, can go up to 2599€ for our flagship 16ft rectangular trampoline (5m) with premium safety enclosure and Performance springs.
What trampoline shape is better for gymnastics?
Gymnasts often prefer the rectangular trampolines from Acon, as their shape provides a “runway” in order to perform tricks. The size and shape of these trampolines are similar to those that Olympic gymnastics use!
What trampoline would be good to practice gymnastics?
Gymnastics who want to practice their routines have a range of Acon trampolines to choose from. Both the rectangular models, the 13HD and 16HD provide a great “runway” for practice. While circular models with large jump zones, like the Acon 14ft/4.3m or 15ft/4.6m round trampolines provide plenty of space.
What is the smallest trampoline for doing gymnastics?
Most gymnasts need a large jump zone to be able to move around and practice routines. Which is why we state that the smallest gymnasts choose is the 13ft/4m rectangular model or the 14ft/3.7m round model. While we recommend the 16ft/5m rectangular and the 15ft/4.6m round from our conversations with athletes.